Francis Housing
Davenport, Iowa | 563.322.1198
Francis Housing is an affordable community containing 21 rental units, located in Davenport, IA. It features studio and one-bedroom units that serve disabled individuals. There are 10 units leased by the Humility of Mary emergency shelter. The Humility of Mary provides temporary housing and services to men and women experiencing homelessness.
We keep people at the forefront of everything that we do at Preservation Housing Trust. Our goal isn’t simply to provide affordable housing, but to help bring people together while providing communities that foster and develop their own unique culture.
Sustainable Development
PHT is working to create and build, acquire, preserve and rehabilitate affordable housing that promotes wellness and stability for families, seniors and the challenged, while instilling respect for residents.
Donate Now
As a 501 (c)3 nonprofit organization, your donation to Preservation Housing Trust is tax deductible and helps ensure that further generations can benefit from the growth and development PHT has to offer.